Tuesday 1 April 2014

Narration Piece

Here is my Narration piece to go in my digital work as my voice over, this was created by the same person who created my screenplay, He knew I wanted something to narrate the story from my actors point of view, and I think he has done just that when I read the piece there wasn't anything I wanted to change to it. in order for him to write this for me I had to give him a copy of my digital piece so he could work from it and see how I interpreted what we had written in for the screenplay. I am very happy with the text and I feel it works really well to inform my narrative and give more of an idea of what is happening in the story, I feel this would have worked best as the story in the images is quite open ended and you don't really get much context from the images.
Overall I am very happy with this piece and I look forward to using this with my digital piece as I feel they will work well together, particularly as I have my actor voicing the narrative as well.

Jessica Narration.
You could have heard a pin drop out in the hallway.

Her door was locked, old habits die hard.

I didn’t have a search warrant, but her words weighed heavy in my mind like a gun in my holster.


I slipped into the apartment.

The kitchen was pretty much empty except for an old table. An open window inviting in the cold air for a dance.

This morning’s paper is sat alongside a glass of booze and what looked like an untouched smoke.

The fuchsia pink lipstick stains on both of them confirmed that she’d been here tonight.

My old man used to warn me about dames that chose whiskey as their poison…said they were dangerous.

The silence was broken by a noise from one of the other rooms.

I closed the window and drew heat.

Something bad was brewing. I could taste it in the air.

I crept through the apartment like a church mouse.

Light bled through the crack of the bedroom door at the end of the hallway.

Breathe easy now jack, keep your shooting arm steady.

That’s when I opened the door.

There she was…

Her deep brown eyes frozen in the void.

And as my heart sank in my chest, my revolver fell to the floor.

“Keep me safe” she made me promise.

I faild her.

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